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HP and Damage

By default, player have 196.0 HP and 300.0 Speed.

;------------------------// 체력, 이동속도
default_hp = 196.0f
default_speed = 300.0f

Here is also table that shows how much damage player would receive during specific conditions.

; // 피해율 (후면 / 다운 / 공중 / 빙결) (1 = 100%)
back_attack_damage_rate = 1.0f
back_attack_gap_time = 0
blow_state_damage_rate = 0.5f
blow_state_push_power_rate = 0.1f
blow3_state_push_power_rate = 0.3f
blow_state_blow_power_rate = 1.0f
float_state_damage_rate = 0.5f
frozen_damage_rate = 0.5f

This means that, if the enemy is on air, they only receive 50% of usual damage (blow_state_damage_rate). But, if the enemy is down, they receive 100% damage.

Even though back attacks (back_attack_damage_rate) was written as 1.0f, the damage enemy would receive is still the same as is (no damage bonus).