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How to Read Mercenary Information

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Use image as referece.

Mercenary Summary

  • ID mercenary code. Every mercenary have unique code attached to them
  • Name mercenary name
  • Sprint indicates if this mercenary can run
  • Jump maximum jump this mercenary could do
  • Attack Length attack length from Ground attacks
  • Highest Damage the most damaging attack this mercenary had
  • 360 Block indicates if blocking will also protect hits from back
  • Deflect indicates if mercenary block will deflect enemy (must block at perfect time to deflect)
  • Counter indicates if mercenary able to perform a counter attack when attack button is pressed when blocking a hit
  • Down Hit list of attack that are able to hit downed enemy
  • Special gauge/bullet usage on mercenary
  • Unique Property unique property this mercenary had
  • Dump additional info

Mercenary Attacks

  1. Attacks name
  • Ground attacks when being done while idling/walking
  • Dash attacks when being done while running
  • Dash Replace this mercenary cannot run, if attempting to run, this attack will be used instead
  • Jump attacks when being done while at air
  • ... Jump Hold attacks when you hold attack button much longer
  • Charged attacks when you hold attack button much longer during idling/walking
  • ... Extend follow-up attack when you press attack button
  • ... Hold attacks when you hold attack button much longer
  • Counter attack when you press attack button while blocking a hit from enemy
  1. Attacks attribute
  • Damage damage caused by that attack
  • Defense Break indicates if this attack break enemy's block
  • Juggle how high the enemy will be lifted when hit with this attack during some state (eg: faint)
  • Air Juggle if the enemy is on air, this indicate how much enemy will be lifted with this attack
  • Down Hit indicates if this attack can hit downed enemy
  • Push Power indicates how strong this move to push enemy (on ground)
  • Frozen Break indicates if this attack would break enemy frozen state
  1. If this column exist, this means that this attack is a multi-hit (hits more than once)